Tuesday, September 26, 2017

In the land called "DILEMMA" by Hilda Andoh

In the land called "DILEMMA"
As I started my journey with my destination in mind with map out routes to take whether right or left, I packed my stuffs into my travelling bag. I got ready for the day I planned for, knowing I took all necessary items needed to aide and make my journey a less burdensome one. The said day came, I set off. During the course of journey, I bumped into many port holes until I came to a junction called the ‘DILEMMA’. At that particular junction, there were different routes which was not indicated on my map:  right, left, center and also a roundabout turn. As confused as I was and wasn’t able to decipher which way to take until, a good Samaritan approached and directed me to the town of my destination. As much as I was helped to reach my destination, I still got distracted on the way, but determined to reach it at all cost.
Before I submitted my final proposal for the Cultural Heritage and Policy Management program at CEU during the application process, I had many ideas in mind to choose for my thesis topic. I contemplated about our Ghanaian Heritage sites as to whether I choose a particular heritage site to write about or delve into how the policies governing them are been implemented since I had interest in both. I battled with these for some time but my background in Project Management during my undergraduate studies helped settle the ongoing struggle to decide which angle to take. Finally, I decided on the area to work on as my thesis topic which is; Cultural and policy management in Ghana. I thought it would be a very good idea to further have more knowledge of what management and policy is about when the topic heritage comes to mind. My application went through successfully, and here I am in the program.
My journey is still in continuation since I have still not found my way out of the land of ‘DILEMMA’, It has become more confusing, challenging and frustrating since there are tall trees with bushy branches which I need to prune and cut off the way.  These branches are the different courses I have now being introduced to. Moreover, I missed out of the pre-session week due to a situation beyond my control which is also a factor of my confusion. I am still working to find my way out of this land. After my introduction to the various courses so many ideas pertaining to my topic and dimensions have come up. Which I am still looking forward to channel the many thoughts and ideas in my mind to clarity.

Until then, I am still searching and looking for a way out of the land of ‘DILEMMA’………

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