Friday, September 22, 2017

Karen Culver | Thesis Thoughts 1

Aim of Thesis

Broadly the aim of the thesis currently hasn’t changed but I am even more aware of the challenges than when drafting the proposal.  A shift in direction is possible although not yet essential or specifically desirable.



Varying View Points

Cultural Heritage institutions and their staff will have different views on volunteering and these should be addressed.  The research will need to identify various audiences to ensure that different approaches and understandings are addressed.

One possible view of volunteer programmes in relation to the institution

A view point of declining employment opportunities -

A view point of declining standards

Challenges Already Noted for the Research
  •         Finding something new to say about volunteers
  •         Retain my interest
  •         Avoid drift to social sciences & psychology
  •         Avoid government regulation or historical ‘blame’
  •         Lack of Hungarian language
  •         Assumption that people can volunteer & engage in local Cultural Heritage only via NGOs or other formalised groups and institutions.  Should, or can, the research include informal activities and if so, how.
  •         How to include grassroots and intangible heritage.
  •         Does volunteering for cultural heritage institutions keep a heritage alive, or simply maintain an image of a culture preserved in aspic?  How can living heritage be promoted?  Should living heritage be promoted or simply allowed to pass away when the community is no longer interested?

What is there to Know

Task List to Support Project Plan Development

·        Confirm topic, scope and therefore audience.

What I did Today for the Thesis

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