Sunday, October 15, 2017

…. approaching a way out of the land of Dilemma | HILDA ANDOH

Still in the land of Dilemma, I have gotten to a junction called REALIZATION, where I am becoming abreast with the surrounding around me and yet to understand the depth, the impact and also its relevance to my journey. These surroundings are the various courses I am offering and how they are going to have an influence in my thesis topic. The knowledge I am gaining will help me make an impact in any field of work I find myself. 
At this junction, the surroundings there is unveiling many different approaches I can take pertaining to my thesis topic and also how to bring my ideas into reality. My thesis topic is geared towards the effective implementation of the cultural policy and management of heritage sites in Ghana. This is because most of our heritage sites have been left in deplorable states, which has led to some unpreventable circumstances. An example is the tragic incident that occurred on the 19th March, 2017, at the Kintampo Waterfalls where eighteen (18) high school students and some tourists lost their lives when they visited this heritage site for amusement ( This incident happened due to the negligence of these policies on our heritage sites. Government, policy makers and managers of the site are actors worth looking into to understand the issue before coming up with a final conclusion. This incident motivates me to strive towards contributing to the effective implementation of the cultural policies on our heritage sites in Ghana.
More so, the course structure and the weightage of knowledge of the Cultural Heritage and Policy Management at CEU, I believe will broaden my understanding of policy management of cultural heritage, and will offer me the requisite interdisciplinary and cross-cultural appreciation on the subject matter. With the various introduction to the courses I have attended so far. I have learnt different approaches pertaining to my thesis topic thus; the anthropological, political or documentational way of projecting my thesis ideas into reality. Also, a meeting which was held by the head of department Joska and Alice concerning thesis topics of all first-year students. With my consultation, different ways and thoughts on how to work towards my thesis topic were suggested. Be it a research or pure academic work, which am yet to find out. This to me, is a very critical point in my life which I need to cross.
Well! I believe that these approaches will serve as a guide line for me to narrow down my idea since I am still in the decision-making mood. But until I get the final exit out of the land of dilemma!!! I am still not certain on which path to trend whether to go right, left or remain in the center of the forest which am still working my way out………

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