Saturday, November 25, 2017


 November 25, 2017 By stanzin Dazang Namgail

Most of us might be struggling with the writing routine. Everybody has different circumstances and different amounts of time available, so however you setup your writing routine you’ll need to adapt different writing routine. It is always taught to every Indian by their parents from childhood to make a routine chart being obedient we use to make one  and work  accordingly for a day or two and forget it. But coming up here to the CEU i was making the routine chart and had a nostalgic feeling of the past memories, where I was told to make my first routine chart. Here you can´t escape from it if you make it you have to go accordingly otherwise you will find yourself  under the loads of many assignments. I usually find myself in the second situation. So i want to share a bit of my idea and experience how you can formulate your routine or may be most of you might had much more great ideas to share.
As for me while it is possible to write some content before doing the research, sooner or later you will hit the limit of what you can say with confidence. So if it’s a choice between writing for the sake of writing or doing the actual work the writing is supposed to present, do the research.
Of course, in some fields writing is a crucial part of the research itself, and for those writing in a second (or third or fourth…) language then it’s important to practice writing and make a conscious effort to improve.
The most disturbing element in the routine are the internet, I had the same weakness. So its better to turn off the internet Or at least the parts of the internet that distract you. If you reach a difficult point in your writing and your first instinctive response is to check email (then facebook, news headlines etc), then you will be at your most distracted when you need to be at your most focused.
studying cultural Heritage studies is not an easy  and at points we need the help of internet but somehow being accessed to internet we all sometimes gets distracted by the internet and end up ourselves in a group chat or watching movies (for me its always movies) For those unable to do this, try using software to block sites during your writing time. sometimes it works for me but not for long.
The important thing I usually say to myself is to settle. At first, my brain is just racing through countless ideas, so I try to relax into the writing rather than rushing to produce words as fast as possible.
One useful technique is to turn the screen off and spend a few minutes with pen and paper to decide exactly what you want to communicate or what points you need to cover. Try to narrow your focus, slow your brain down a little, and just work on one idea at a time. But with the loads of so many assignment it doesn´t work for me always as doing one assignment I keep thinking of the other and sooner or later find myself behind the screen of my phone and laptop again.
its very important to know while making your routine as for Some people find it easiest to get up early and write while they are fresh. Personally, I find it easier to write not till late night and giving a rest to my small brain and wakeup early with some fresh ideas in my head. some has the insomnia so if they can and think better its good for them to stay awake till late and write like most of you at dorm does. You don’t have to copy somebody else’s routine if it doesn’t work for you. Figure out what writing routine works for you, then try to write during the same hours each day.
Another thing we do is when we take a break we just go deep into our phone or computer, try to  avoid this during breaks you will feel bit relax before you go back to your scheduled routine. Get away from the computer and leave your phone turned off, make a cup of tea, go for a walk around the block anything that gives you a break from staring at the screen.
In this digitalized world it will be hard to convince you all to turn the screen off and take 10 minutes with pen and paper to write down any thoughts you have and tasks you still need to do.But you can try keeping your phone switched off or at least the wifi to be off. I know you can´t, take it as a challenge.
Good luck for those who has a set routine and those who doesn´t have think of making one it helps a lot…….

1 comment:

  1. hey, Stanzin! you touched upon the issue we've all grown to take for granted. i think challenging oneself is a good idea. i should try this ;) Thanks for bringing this up!


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