Monday, September 24, 2018

I want to create something applicable, will I?

That’s what usually happens when it comes to thesis proposal. You have so many ideas in your mind, you want to save the world, contribute, do something useful. I am passionate and worried about the preservation of cultural heritage in my motherland Kyrgyzstan, and there are just so MANY gaps that need attention and development, I cannot help myself but just want to work with all of them. Fine arts, architecture, handicrafts, folklore, and many others. Anyway, when I applied for Cultural Heritage Studies program of CEU, I decided to concentrate on Preserving Kyrgyz Traditional Felt Carpet Production through Women Entrepreneurship. 

Ala-kiyiz and Shyrdak, art of Kyrgyz traditional felt carpets, which was included to the List of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in

2012, is in danger of disappearing. The number of practitioners is decreasing. There is a lack of governmental safeguarding, alongside with the disinterest of the younger generation. The average age of artisans is over 40[i]. Ala-kiyiz and Shyrdak are difficult to produce, that is why their price is high. Usually tourists buy little carpets. There are different international organizations which work in developing of Kyrgyz tourism through helping people to organize small enterprises (like USAID BGI project, for example), but they act separately, and their initiatives and results usually are not sustainable after projects’ closure. Kyrgyz felt carpets production always was what women do. Today, there are some local businesses which promote this art on international level, like shop, for example. But it is hard to say whether they use the ancient Kyrgyz technologies of carpet production, or they use adapted versions. The techniques Kyrgyz women used in Ala-kiyiz and Shyrdak creation are a crucial component of cultural heritage, and we need to be able to pass knowledge to young generations of artisans. This naturally will develop women entrepreneurship. Today, there are artisans who feed their families all by themselves. It is well-known that women entrepreneurship is an important source of economic growth[ii]; that is why many factors will benefit from the conservation of Ala-kiyiz and Shyrdak production.  

So I thought that I will prepare a business plan for women non-governmental organizations which then can apply it. But afterwards I understood that there are many involvements in Ala-kiyiz and Shyrdak preservation, I now I doubt, whether my thesis work would be as important as I think it is. I will use reports of international development organizations which implemented projects in Kyrgyzstan (USAID BGI and others), I will most likely do questionnaires, I think I will need to travel to regions of Kyrgyzstan to understand what female artisans think and need. I will also work with cooperation with University of Central Asia, who published several books about Kyrgyz cultural heritage. I hope to figure out my final thoughts by the end of 2018.  

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