Monday, December 2, 2019

Revelation’s Nostalgia - Nasser Alhamdi

Revolution’s Nostalgia

Nostalgia evokes the overwhelming past, regardless of whether they were bad or good moments, and it makes us feel them in an indescribable sensation. The odor, songs, places, and remembering are triggering the memories, and in one second or less, it is transferring us to the past and swirling us as autumn leaves in for a blow. There are always times when I feel very nostalgic, whenever I feel so, I think of jumping to feel I am still alive. However, I still remember the Lorenzo de' Medici Quote which I used to repeat: “How beautiful is youth, that is always slipping away! Whoever wants to be happy, let him be so: of tomorrow there's no knowing”.

My story is my country which is my family, friends, people, markets, streets, buildings, restaurants, mountains, stones, winds, rains, sunset, sunrise, and conversations. Unfortunately, nostalgia has been the only thing left whenever my country crosses my mind.

When the Arab Spring Revolutions started, I was very enthusiastic to participate in youth Yemeni revolution, we have had dreams to change the situation which was getting worse because the wars taking place in the north of Yemen, southern protests, poverty increasing, unemployment, corruption, lack of services, poor infrastructure, education weakness, and the absence of management in all institutions sectors, all these factors pushed us to go to the streets and demand for a better life.

I still remember how we would gather raising the slogans that asked the regime to leave, and sue the corrupted officials. I still remember the times we faced death while we were shouting in the streets, showing our faith in our revolutions and in its goals to construct the state institutions in my country. Once, I was with my friend and we decided to go for protesting against the regime, and while we were marching along the streets, the soldiers were waiting for us with their guns, and they started to shoot at us with tears gas. That time, I could not find my friend among the crowds. I ran away from those soldiers who attack us, and I climbed the fence with a two-meter height. I saw many people suffocate from the gas, I tried to help them and gave them some Oxygen spray. The demonstrators managed to repel the assaulters, and we could find a way to complete our protest. I was very worried about my friend because he moved to the first line against the soldiers after we separated, and I had news that five of the demonstrators were killed. When we finished the protest, I tried to call him, and I had the fear to hold the phone, I did not want to hear someone else answer me. As I heard the phone buzzer, my heart was beating so hard, I heard the voice, and It was him. We met after that, and we were very happy because we were totally fine although I inbreathed a lot of tears gas. We got back to our homes like heroes, and we were waving the Yemeni flag.

A lot of youth people believed in struggling to accomplish their dreams and Yemen’s future, but we realized that a sudden revolution it does not work enough, and everything has beginnings such as a volcano revolution. Of course, if we go back to history, almost all revolutions took a long time to set, but some of them took the wrong direction, and it has severe consequences. That is what I felt after a while because we missed the essential beginnings such as, awareness in our community, new thoughts and Philosophies, and writers that can correct the revolution path.

Now, the war destroyed every beautiful thing, especially good human manners and values. Heraclitus said “All things come into being by conflict of opposites, and the sum of things”, and some thinkers and Philosophers are agreed with him, and it could be if we learn from our mistakes in the past.

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