Monday, October 23, 2017

Audiences - who will read this and why :-)

Karen Culver – 5001.  Thesis Update

Aim of the MA Thesis

The MA thesis is to look at effective government policies and institutional policies and management practices that will promote volunteering in the cultural heritage sector.    Based on research of different volunteering practice in general, and several case studies, I aim to develop solid and specific advice on how different institutions can recruit, manage and retain the active involvement of volunteers in a variety of tasks and over a reasonable time frame.    Case studies of good management practice with volunteers will be taken from Hungary and UK and compared with case studies of less successful volunteer management practice. 

Target Audiences

The main audience for the thesis will be the academic staff of the CEU as the work is aimed towards an academic qualification.

The non-academic target audience is primarily Hungarian cultural institutions as there is strong implication that volunteering for them is not as wide spread or successful as they would wish.   However, the thesis report will also be offered to the UK institutions that were directly involved.  This will be done out of respect and aiming to be transparent with my results.  

The target audience is divided into several groups of institutions. 

  • 1.      The initial audience will be those institutions that have supported the research and are known to have an interest in working with volunteers.   These will be from UK and Hungary – see above.
  • 2.      A second layer of audience will be other cultural institutions that are part of the network of the original research group.  These are equally important but I will only have contact with them through the institutions that have been involved in the research.   Currently I assume these will be only Hungarian institutions, but may include some in the UK.   I will send the report directly to this group, but only on recommendation of the institutions in first group.
  • 3.      A third group is all other institutions that I have been in direct contact with for various activities over the two year study period, for example, those that supported my work for various term papers.

I consider it highly unlikely that there will be any possible direct influence on the policies of the Hungarian government and so they are not a target audience.  I expect there will be notes within the thesis of what good government policy would be and how this could be implemented.  If the Hungarian cultural institutions wished to take this further, they could collectively approach the government with policy suggestions.

Communication & Presentation Method

As part of the thesis, I expect to produce several clear recommendations for recruiting, managing and retaining good volunteers engaged in different activities within a variety of cultural heritage environments.  All recommendations will be based on the research and case studies and should be clearly referenced into the stated challenges and /or solutions of working with volunteers.   I anticipate that following the academic process in presenting and defending the thesis, I would personally take the final report to the institutions and individuals mentioned in 1) above.  This would be to thank them for their support and to present and discuss the results.

It is possible that as part of the final thesis report, I will produce an outline training workshop which could be delivered to the management staff of interested heritage institutions. 

As the thesis is an academic document, I assume it will written in an academic manner with full references of primary and secondary sources of researched information.  However, as it is also a report for cultural institutions and their management teams, the writing style will be non-academic and more aligned to management reporting as I hope this would be easier to read and more accessible to the cultural institution managers.  As a non-academic, I will also find it easier to write.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A Topic Explained Yet Finalisation Remains | S.Yeshi

Unentangling the entangled 
The floating ideas are always entangled and to stabilise and get it into a shape, it needs to unentangle. As I was to solve a crossword by finding a thesis topic, I have been in constant process of finding a start to unentangle  my thoughts to get a rational conclusion of a choice. 

Bhutan is well known today for its rich nature and culture. It has received accolades across the globe for its incomparable efforts of environmental conservation and mitigation against climate change. The kingdom's constitution commits to keep 60% of the country under forest cover. 


Ruined ancient bath
As cold days are coming what could warm body and soul better then a relaxing pool of hot water enriched with precious minerals.Being born in the Himalayas i was somehow use to those hot pools and thermal water bath and it was very exciting to know that there are many such pools which you could experience in my search to discover them begins after doing a bit of research i came across one of the hot pool  it was Debreceni termálfürdő.it was so good to be up there soaked in the hot water and felt
                                                       like i’m in  the Himalayas.

During the research i came across bathing has been an important part of  human history.Ancient Greeks and Roman used them and  it was comman daily activity practice among all the social classes.It can be also seen as a bathing culture which came to Hungary during the Ottomon Empire (Turkish) in the 16th century.Most of the today’s bathing house of Budapest are from this era for example Rudas, Rác,Király.Till that time bathhouses were mainly the venues of social life ,politics and other activities of passing on cultural heritage in an informal way but during the 18th century the curing effect of the water has taken into account.

Head Full of Ideas | Sanchari

My head is crammed to the full with ideas right now. They have not yet acquired a concrete shape but are rather floating like clouds in my mind while I try to decide which one is shaped best - the one which would best fit with my research. Alright, enough of similes.So, I'm in the stage where I have to narrow my research topic down to one particular aspect or problem that I want to focus on. Digitisation of museums and libraries in itself is still a very broad topic, though I am getting new ideas and potential tools that can be used from some of the courses that I have taken.

Monday, October 16, 2017

My thesis journey~Nyararai Mundopa

My classes so far have exposed me to the many variables that exist in the field of cultural heritage management in two different worlds, from African and European perspectives. Apart from the classes I took, I have been receiving plenty of insightful advice from professors and colleagues who shared experiences from their home countries and their varied line of work.  As a rule of thumb, I shall approach my thesis taking into consideration all these various inputs which I received from different individuals and sources I have encountered so far.
I had a meeting with two of our professors, Joska and Alice, for my thesis planning. During the meeting, it dawned upon me that despite my research topic appearing to be a well thought proposition, it was still far from being practically achievable considering the limited time frame I have here in Budapest. It was suggested that I use the limited approach thus confining the research to a practically achievable sample that represents the Zimbabwean culture I want to focus on.

I have designed an architectural degree project. But am I able to write a thesis?

I am a student of Cultural Heritage Studies at CEU. And an architect. And that is not an easy situation as during my architecture studies I didn’t  have to hand in a thesis. Never. Sometimes we had to write some papers – around 1000 words but once in a year – and that was all. But now we have to hand in a dozen of essays in only three months. So it is very challenging to me to write all the time. I have to form my thoughts in words! And in one and a half year I have to hand in my Thesis! With big T. But you know what? Writing doesn't seem extremely different from designing building. 

Sunday, October 15, 2017

…. approaching a way out of the land of Dilemma | HILDA ANDOH

Still in the land of Dilemma, I have gotten to a junction called REALIZATION, where I am becoming abreast with the surrounding around me and yet to understand the depth, the impact and also its relevance to my journey. These surroundings are the various courses I am offering and how they are going to have an influence in my thesis topic. The knowledge I am gaining will help me make an impact in any field of work I find myself. 

                              MY EXPERIENCE IN THE BANKING BUSINESS AS                                           A PERFORMANCE ARTIST.


 After my undergraduate studies at the university of Ghana, I was a teaching assistant at Abibigromma, the resident theatre of performing art, Legon. I assisted with all kinds of work everywhere I find myself to the profit of the company. We had a contract from the bank of Ghana by the then artistic director who decided to use experienced artist in the company including myself, to come out with a good plan on presenting and teaching people the relevant of art presented on the stage.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Karen Culver. Assignment 2

Karen Culver

Thesis Thoughts 2

Presented by 18 October 2017


My working premises are
·        Cultural heritage can and should be non-elitist and accessible at community levels as well as regional and national levels.
·        Cultural heritage helps people to identify their own history and community.  An awareness of a common past can help people understand the present, plan the future, and retain what they perceive to be of value to their community
·        Voluntary engagement with cultural heritage is essential to ensure the survival and continuing life of that heritage. 
·        A positive policy environment from the national government enables voluntary activity
·        Suitable and active management policies and practices from the cultural heritage institution will increase the amount and value of voluntary activity.
·        The common perception is that UK has many active volunteers and Hungary does not.