Monday, November 26, 2018

Contract Archaeology and Development-led Archaeology: The terms in different worlds. - Melissa Chinaka

The world is unique in all its aspects. One thing has several names even in similar languages and these scenarios are also common in the academic or professional spheres. In western an central Europe there is an archaeological practise called development-led archaeology whilst in the Middle-East this same practise is termed contract archaeology. These two terms apply in my thesis project and thus I have to be cautious with when writing my thesis as i will be constantly referring to different other parts of the world that practise development-led archaeology
In Zimbabwe the term used is development-led archaeology and also in several other neighboring countries. Considering the nature of my thesis, qualitative aspects, require clear definitions and articulation of key terms like these therefore I have to carefully trade on these two terms. As was also suggested to me during my thesis topic presentation, it will be very necessary to have the use of one of this term in a clear manner so that my thesis roadmap is an easy ride for any follower. If chosen wisely and used properly, the term development-led archaeology will not be intimidating to my readers even when it sounds too specialized.

Having being a practised type of archaeology in Zimbabwe, there still is need for clear and standard definition of this which will be a benchmark for its effective practise. A policy to be drafted at the completion of my thesis will need to first define then set the guidelines and regulations of practising development-led archaeology. With this reccommendations should be well informed,  from the challenges to be expected to the opportunities offered by means of having a development-led archaeology policy.

With my head still held up high, the future about my thesis is still scary but the general student life at Cenral European University remains meaningful. With the professional ideas from the department head and the other staff members, defining and using the term development-led archaeology should not be a problem although it may be. Much having been simply said, more is yet to be done about my thesis as an intergral part of my academic journey at C.E.U.

Picture 1 by author


  1. i was wondering is the term is tricky because of the translation or r u talking about the term in general
    because i remember we discussed earlier the translation of some terms and i am still thinking about that as my topic includes a lot of legal definitions

    1. the practise is generally the same everywhere else but the difference comes in the terminology e.g the use of the word Bathroom which is also called Ablution, Toilet or Washroom. These words refer to the same thing but are used differently in different parts of the globe.
      To serve ourselves from trouble is to know all these words and places they are applied.


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